Sunday, July 10, 2011

Google+ First Impressions

I spent a chunk of the day playing with Google+ while doing a Windows 7 re-install on the kids machine.  My first impression with Google is always tainted with positive bias.  But I love it.  I like the control it gives.  It surely has some rough edges, but it's got some big benefits.  The first one that jumps out at me is farmville.  I like the social interaction Facebook has brought me, but I loathe the forced co-habitation with Facebook viruses like Farmville.  I really hope that Google+ can remain a pure communication hub with the tasteful advertising we get with the other Google apps.

I have not used the video/audio chat features, but I can see them being very useful, especially in a distributed work environment.

Circles.  Well duh.  I love this feature.  But I can also see it getting out of hand.  I have about 50 or so friends on Facebook.  Setting up circles for these friends was trivial.  But I can also see someone having 600 friends with about 40 different circles and the fact that they used circles is foreshadowing - death by Venn diagram.

But the overwhelming positive feature - integration.  Whether I'm looking at my Patrick+ page, my gmail, calendar, or any other Google app - I have integration into the social app.  Hopefully this story gets expanded so that we have more top-bar integration (it would be nice to always see calendar and mail information as well as Google+).  I expect advancement to come with maturing here.  Facebook has no ability to compete here.  Even on the phones Facebook is off playing in its own sandbox.  It's a communication hub with walls.

Sparks are interesting, but I see that being a feature I could easily forget about and end up being wasted real estate.  I have been using them for the last two days though, we'll see if that trend continues.

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