Saturday, July 9, 2011


Recently, I did a few interviews around town, and across the country if you include my Seattle / Amazon interview.  I feel like they went OK.  Not great, but OK.  I'm a great employee based on the satisfaction of my past employers, but don't do great at interviews.  My issue, which leads to my advice, is follow up.  To date, I have heard from one of my interviews (I did about 9).  Some have given me a time table when I can expect to hear back, some have not.  This is very disappointing.  Not that I didn't get offers, but that those loops were not closed.

My advice is this - always close the loop.  Don't leave candidates hanging.  If someone invests their time to come interview, the least you can do as a prospective employer is to close that loop.  There were a couple of places that I was mildly interested in working, but now I have a bad taste in my mouth.  If the answer is no, if the answer is we are considering another candidate, if the answer is we need more time to make up our minds, fine.  Just let the candidates know.

We may not do everything right at Quadrus, but this, we do.  Always close the loop.

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